Top 5 science channels on youtube

Top 5 science channels on youtube

Published 4 years ago

Hello career opportunists! We all surf through YouTube every now and then, but just for entertainment purpose or just generally. But here we are going to discuss about world's top 6 science YouTube channels that are definitely worth subscribing and watching. We have made this list by giving second priority to the subscriber count and first priority to the content on the channel.


Subscribers: 1.26 millions till date.

Creator: Sam Denby

Joined YouTube on: August, 2017

About content: This channel doesn't specifically makes science video, instead it makes very knowledgeable videos on interesting topics. And since it is not a specific science channel, its been put to 5th no. in this list. But the channel is truly engaging and interesting.

Recommended video: "How much is the US president paid?"


Subscribers: 1.5 millions till date

Creator: Dianna Cowern

Joined YouTube on: October, 2011

About content: The creator does amazing experiments of physics and explains the concepts of physics used in them more amazingly.

Recommended video: " 5Scary Physics experiments"


Subscribers: 4.9 millions till date

Creator: Henry Reich

Joined YouTube on: June, 2011

About content: This channels features Conceptual explanation instead of experiment based. the best part about the videos are their visual effects. The animated videos keeps you engaged in them. The videos are very short, like not more than 3 to 4 mins that avoids boredom.

Recommended video: Almost every video is based on a specific topic so choosing one recommended video is difficult.

3) "NileRed"

Subscribers: 1.3 millions till date

Joined YouTube on: March, 2014

About content: Nile Red is a compound on which this channel is named. the creator does amazing experiments and explains the concepts of chemistry as well as chemical equations through those experiments.

Recommended video: "Turning old jewelry into pure gold bars"

2) "Kurzgesagt: in a nutshell"

Subscribers: 10.9 millions till date

Creator: Philipp Dettmer

Joined YouTube on: July, 2013

About content: They pick up a topic, mold it into an interesting story and serve that in a very beautiful way. You will get one of the best animated videos on this channel. Every video is more fascinating and beautiful than the last one.

Recommended video: "Why beautiful things makes us happy"

1) "Ted ed"

Subscribers: 10.7 millions till date

Creator: Multiple

Joined YouTube on: March, 2011

About content: Since the channel has multiple creators, it has variety of content. some videos are the explanations of concepts which we study in our courses. like in one of their recent videos they explained the topic of proof by contradiction that we oftenly use in mathematics. other than this, some videos are about the evolution of certain things whereas some videos are riddle based which plays with your mind. the videos are animated. easy to understand and consisting of amazing visual effects.

Recommended video: "A brief history of alcohol"

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