How to Prepare for GATE Mechanical Engineering
Published 5 years ago
If you want to prepare for GATE Mechanical engineering, effectively, then this article will be helpful. We will discuss on Important Books for GATE 2020.
In 2010 total number of candidates in Mechanical Engineering appeared for GATE was 59,338 and in 2016 it was 2,34,727. Numbers are almost increased by 4 times in 6 years.
What is the reason behind this massive increase, it is because of PSUs recruitment through GATE and limited jobs option in Mechanical Engineering after Graduation.
Previous Year Paper Book
That makes it very crucial for a student to prepare for GATE and in this article we will discuss how to start your preparation for GATE targeting next Year.
GATE will happen in 2nd week of February, Which gives you complete 12 Months to prepare. First is the pattern of exam. There will be 65 questions from which 30 questions will be 1 marks and rest 35 will be of 2 marks in total 100 marks. Marks is approximately distributed as 15 Marks from General Aptitude, 15 marks from Engineering Mathematics and rest 70 Marks from core subjects. There will two types of questions objective type and Numerical Answer questions.
Let’s see overview of syllabus, details you can see in this link
Whole Mechanical is divided in three streams
Design – Mechanics, SOM, TOM, Machine Design etc.
Thermal – Thermodynamics, Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics, Refrigeration etc.
Manufacturing and Production – Machining, Casting, Industrial Engineering, Production management etc.
Before starting of any subject you have to learn one thing. It is not about how much you know but how much you understand. IITs test students concept and application of that concept in solving problem. Make your strategy based on this point.
You have to study these subjects very thoroughly
Maths, Mechanics, SOM, Thermodynamics, Fluid Mechanics, Heat Transfer, Manufacturing, Industrial Engineering.
Based on your understanding you can pick any subject first. You should prepare these subjects for next 11 Months and assume this time is 100%. Than ideally you should give 20% Time for SOM, 20% time for Thermodynamics, 10-10% to Heat Transfer and Fluid Mechanics, 10-10% to manufacturing Industrial Engineering, 10% to Maths and Mechanics, And rest 10% to subjects like Materials, IC Engine, Aptitude etc.
For study Material you can follow these books,
Mechanics – R K Rajput
Maths – B.S Grewal
SOM – Ramamrutham (You can get lost in this book, so practice only one type of question from Exercise for Practice.)
Thermodynamics – P.K Nag. (Solve all exercise questions from Chapter 1-8. And Heat Transfer and Refrigeration chapter)
Fluid Mechanics - R K Bansal
Manufacturing – Kalpakjian (Study Machining, Casting, Welding, Fits and Tolerances)
Industrial Engineering – O.P Khanna (CPM, PERT, Queuing and Forecasting)
Apart from these you can watch NPTEL lectures for understanding difficult subjects for reference.
Please remember, for getting rank you have to study all subjects. Design and Thermal subjects are little tough but major question will be from these topics. Manufacturing and Industrial Engineering questions are mostly straight forward but will be lesser in proportion.
Lastly solve all previous year paper in first 3 weeks of Last Month. Take any test series and mock test for practice and get used to new pattern.
You can take this Book for Last Year solved papers.
Just revise for last 1 week from your notes and solve last two year paper as mock test with exam conditions. Relax one day before exam.
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